Thursday 24 July 2014

One long overdue post!

Firstly, I would like to thank everyone for being patient with me ^_^

As many of you know I was hacked so that put a huge spanner in the works for me as far as blogging and youtubing goes. But I now have my account back!!! YAY! ^_^

I also didn't blog over the weekend as I was an official photographer for AVCon - an adelaide (SA, Australia) anime convention. I unfortunately didn't see as many Blizzard costumes as I would like to have seen but some amazing cosplayers revealed themselves! Photos will be posted on my personal photography page if anyone is interested in visiting it click >Here<

Secondly, before I do my catch up I have a SUPER EXCITING announcement...
(Exciting for me anyway) :P

I was doing Ulduar last night with Raggaz and Boff. It was a pretty standard run and then BOOM! MIMIRON'S HEAD DROPS!!! Oh my gosh. The one night I am not recording! You should have heard Skype, you would have thought we had won the lotto or been offered immortal life.

I totally won the roll with a 76 and although I couldn't bring myself to /learn the mount for about half an hour, winning the roll was well worth having my friends hate on me for a week. ^_^

The Ulduar Mounts

Rusted Proto-Drake, Mimiron's Head, Ironbound Proto-Drake
Boff, Lila, Raggaz

So lets get going with the FLASHBACK FRIDAY!

I made a post earlier about my amazing alliance guild, RAZORS EDGE back in Lich King days. When Sindragosa was a total B#$%H to down , the guild had one night where everyone agreed to stay a few extra hours for progression reasons & it helped that it was holidays so not many people had school or work the next day.

After about 5 hours on Sindra a few of us started becoming delirious, we were short on food, our flasks were disappearing, our pots were well and truly used up and our repair bills... well lets just say we spent the next few days farming to replenish the guild bank. Our attempts were getting worse each time due to being super tired and frustrated with running back constantly! Someone needed to run to the bathroom and while we waited a guildie popped their dwarf flask and started to dance.
Now after midnight, when you haven't had dinner and you have been smashing up against a horrifying boss for 4-5 hours straight, you start to find most things hilarious. So the next person popped a flask, and then the next, and then the next, and before long the whole guild had turned in to dwarfs and created a dancing train which slowly traveled throughout the room in which Sindragosa laid.

We stayed like this for almost an hour. Instead of working on progression, we wasted an hour of our lives as dancing dwarves. Although that hour could have really come in handy, I wouldn't trade that memory for the world!


Now I definitely had a screenshot in which I was excited to share with you all, but when I sat down today I could not for the life of me figure out what it was I wanted to share! So I logged on wow and figured I would go out and get you a screenshot but as I was traveling around I totally forgot what I was doing. So when I remembered I took a screenshot of what was right in front of me. So enjoy this dinosaur & thankyou to the hunter who had him in my face!

If you have a Flashback story or a Screenshot you would like to share please submit to Lilakian <-


This weeks Transmog Tuesday was submitted by the lovely Ouhabanana - Dentarg US and features gear for Leather wearers!

He names this set 'Simply Purple' and well, its a fitting name! This is not a set from somewhere like firelands or molten core. These pieces can be picked up from all over the place and if you would like this set go to the Transmog page to see item names. The pale green in the above image shows the 'glowing effect' of the weapon and shoulders. Here is an image of his character, totally rocking the set!

Sorry for the reallllly long post!
Happy Hunting! ~ Lilakian


  1. Hello Lilakian! Thanks for being nice to Dasal (Mabaho) my guildie in LFD. Grats btw on your Mimiron's head ZOMG!!! And may I submit a transmog Tuesday for consideration? Hopefully chat soon - great pics of the Adelaide con btw! Oh dear I'm rambling, I'm sorry ><

    1. Hi Navi! Sorry for the long over due reply!
      Yeah feel free to submit as many Transmog Tuesdays as you would like! :) I encourage interaction with readers & other bloggers! :)
