Thursday 24 July 2014

One long overdue post!

Firstly, I would like to thank everyone for being patient with me ^_^

As many of you know I was hacked so that put a huge spanner in the works for me as far as blogging and youtubing goes. But I now have my account back!!! YAY! ^_^

I also didn't blog over the weekend as I was an official photographer for AVCon - an adelaide (SA, Australia) anime convention. I unfortunately didn't see as many Blizzard costumes as I would like to have seen but some amazing cosplayers revealed themselves! Photos will be posted on my personal photography page if anyone is interested in visiting it click >Here<

Secondly, before I do my catch up I have a SUPER EXCITING announcement...
(Exciting for me anyway) :P

I was doing Ulduar last night with Raggaz and Boff. It was a pretty standard run and then BOOM! MIMIRON'S HEAD DROPS!!! Oh my gosh. The one night I am not recording! You should have heard Skype, you would have thought we had won the lotto or been offered immortal life.

I totally won the roll with a 76 and although I couldn't bring myself to /learn the mount for about half an hour, winning the roll was well worth having my friends hate on me for a week. ^_^

The Ulduar Mounts

Rusted Proto-Drake, Mimiron's Head, Ironbound Proto-Drake
Boff, Lila, Raggaz

So lets get going with the FLASHBACK FRIDAY!

I made a post earlier about my amazing alliance guild, RAZORS EDGE back in Lich King days. When Sindragosa was a total B#$%H to down , the guild had one night where everyone agreed to stay a few extra hours for progression reasons & it helped that it was holidays so not many people had school or work the next day.

After about 5 hours on Sindra a few of us started becoming delirious, we were short on food, our flasks were disappearing, our pots were well and truly used up and our repair bills... well lets just say we spent the next few days farming to replenish the guild bank. Our attempts were getting worse each time due to being super tired and frustrated with running back constantly! Someone needed to run to the bathroom and while we waited a guildie popped their dwarf flask and started to dance.
Now after midnight, when you haven't had dinner and you have been smashing up against a horrifying boss for 4-5 hours straight, you start to find most things hilarious. So the next person popped a flask, and then the next, and then the next, and before long the whole guild had turned in to dwarfs and created a dancing train which slowly traveled throughout the room in which Sindragosa laid.

We stayed like this for almost an hour. Instead of working on progression, we wasted an hour of our lives as dancing dwarves. Although that hour could have really come in handy, I wouldn't trade that memory for the world!


Now I definitely had a screenshot in which I was excited to share with you all, but when I sat down today I could not for the life of me figure out what it was I wanted to share! So I logged on wow and figured I would go out and get you a screenshot but as I was traveling around I totally forgot what I was doing. So when I remembered I took a screenshot of what was right in front of me. So enjoy this dinosaur & thankyou to the hunter who had him in my face!

If you have a Flashback story or a Screenshot you would like to share please submit to Lilakian <-


This weeks Transmog Tuesday was submitted by the lovely Ouhabanana - Dentarg US and features gear for Leather wearers!

He names this set 'Simply Purple' and well, its a fitting name! This is not a set from somewhere like firelands or molten core. These pieces can be picked up from all over the place and if you would like this set go to the Transmog page to see item names. The pale green in the above image shows the 'glowing effect' of the weapon and shoulders. Here is an image of his character, totally rocking the set!

Sorry for the reallllly long post!
Happy Hunting! ~ Lilakian

Wednesday 16 July 2014


So I was going to post on my blog last night and update a few things here. Originally I was announcing PvP footage to be released. But just as I was setting up recording gear BAM my account got hacked. I am currently locked out of my account.
*Shakes Fist*

In the meantime enjoy this amazing Murloc Cosplay!

Tuesday 15 July 2014

Transmog Tuesdays! x2

So as I promised I will be making up for my absence with Transmog Tuesday last week by posting two this week! Originally I was going to post more Hunter xmog that I have been working on since I didn't have any submissions, however I decided to get inspiration to play my god awful paladin.

Well I found it! THE LAWBRINGER SET! Oh yes this is a gorgeous set that may just be making my paladin turn from tank to heals with these amazing 'holy' colours. It such a fantastic set in all aspects. Not only was the set bonus amazing back in the day but it actually looks amazing on Tauren. The Lawbringer set is fairly easy to get as all pieces Drop from Molten Core which is easily farmed these days, not to mention you get cool pets from it too!

Most parts of this Transmog are BoP but there are a few pieces of transmog that you can pick up and sell for value such as the belts from all class specific transmog.  (Providing its a popular transmog)
In this particular image I have accompanied the Transmog with Khorium Champion, a 2h weapon that can be crafted by Blacksmiths. I think it looks great with this set, however, I see myself desperately trying to find a Mace to match or shield and 1h!

Ive been feeling the Tauren love lately, probably mostly because my only other level 90 at the moment is a Tauren. I guess I've been feeling pretty bummed out that all the amazing transmogs I have on my hunter just don't look as good now that she has gone from being Draenei to Troll. Female Trolls just don't have a good body for great transmogs. So my 2nd Transmog will also be modelled on a Tauren and that is the Stormrage Set.

The Stormrage set is specifically for druids and I have always liked the whimsical feel to Druid attire. I am in the process of attempting to level characters to 90 and I am hoping that some amazing druid transmog will get me going in the right direction considering she needs to be higher level to farm the pieces!

The Stormrage set drops a little from all over the place so its honestly easiest to go to wowhead and search stormrage. You will find some great alternate colouring aswell!

I hope you have enjoyed the Transmogs this week and remember to submit your transmog to be featured here on the Facebook page: Lilakian - The Achievement Hunter
Just another announcement that the Facebook page is just a few likes away from the reveal of the pets for the giveaway! Make sure you watch for the battlepets to be revealed shortly!

Good Luck ^_^ Happy Hunting!

Thursday 10 July 2014


Soooooo I struggled getting Transmog Tuesday together this week, sorry loyal viewers but I will make up for it by posting TWO transmog sets next Tuesday!! :D

I will be creating a series of videos about Hunter Pet MUST HAVES! - So all those amazing pets you see hunters running around with, I will be dedicating videos to finding them: spawn locations, times and any other requirements in taming these majestic creatures! Such as the GhostSabre, never heard of it? Google it, if you still cant find it I will be posting a video shortly!

Also I now have a 2nd piece of PvP gear yay! Thanks to Skunkybuds for PvPing with me and teaching me how to use Marksman for the win! So many Killing Blows, however, I still suck and need a lot more training! :S

Mount Guides Part 3, 4 & 5 are officially underway!

& for those of you who are not aware I have a milestone giveaway! When I reach 150 likes on my Lilakian - The Achievement Hunter page, I will be giving away an in-game pet! There will be 3 to choose from and the winner will pick one from there. The pets have not been revealed yet. When the page reaches 100 likes I will reveal all 3 pets! :) So share the page and get the word out! The more likes the better the prizes ^_^

I don't like posting just text so here is an image of two unlikey friends ^_^  The horde and alliance boomkin pets are just TOOOOOO cute <3 ^_^ Enjoy!

Monday 7 July 2014


I was browsing DeviantArt as I do and I came across this AMAZING artwork.

It is so simple but it really captures the main features of Taurens. For some reason I just feel so drawn to this image. It makes me want to race change my Troll. Ive always loved Tauren, but Troll & Orc are better for their racial abilities (being a hunter).

There is just enough features to make this image appealing to look at but still holds the simplicity really well. It truly is a great piece of art and I wish I could generate my art this well! I think I have found my new desktop image!

Check out this fantastic artist at

Sunday 6 July 2014

Screenshot Sunday!

I was in Ulduar finishing up some old non-meta achievements and Raggaz, Boff & I were upto Freya. That fight can be annoyingly long if your trying for non-meta achieves! Anyway, one of the achievements is to kill all of those elder tree guys (mini bosses) within a certain time limit of each other (15 seconds). This achievement is relatively easy as long as you arent stun locked & the roots arent glitching!

Anyway, my Direhorn Mount is just my default ground mount on my action bar, we mounted up & split into three directions to all pull the treemans. When I mounted I just thought my Direhorn looked at home in this area and decided to capture the moment. If real life was like WoW, and dinosaurs wernt extinct, I would love to be able to stroll through a forest like this and see a horde of peaceful Direhorns grazing away!

I've fallen in love with this particular screenshot (pictured above) and have decided to make it my new facebook banner. If you havent already check out the official Achievement Hunter facebook and share some love!

Do you have some screenies from raids that you've fallen in love with? I would love to see them!

Friday 4 July 2014

Flashback Friday

This was my guilds first Lich King encounter back when I was alliance, the guild went through many stages of names, Immortalis > Razors Edge > Bound by Blood as we had a lot of problems with trolls ruining our reputation! I really do miss these crazy hooligans! There are so many amazing memories with these absolutely gorgeous people. I would have to say that this group in particular will always hold a special place in my heart, not only because this was my first successful guild (when I was about 14) but because I couldnt have asked for a friendlier and welcoming group.

This group was like family, we raided together, but we also practically lived together. We pvp'd,  quested, achievement hunted and some of us even studied and helped each other with homework. Sometimes I regret taking my 6 month break and changing servers & factions. Ive never quite enjoyed WoW the same.

Its a true shame that I have lost contact with all of these people, and I hope that somehow this post will reach them and we will be able to get back in contact with each other!

Transmog Tuesday + other things! (Catch up!)

I've been under the pump with work this week so I didn't have time to blog! So this is a catch-up post and I will post my Flashback Friday later tonight ^_^


So, one of my favourite transmogs of all time, one of the first available sets to players who could wear mail: The Battleforged Set!

Absolutely stunning with its yellow and red features and it was one of my first sets I ever collected, back in Vanilla when you couldn't 'transmog' and if you were wearing something awesome looking and standing around in the main cities, people would flock to you like wildfire and share some /love.

Of course I only had a level 40 Warrior through vanilla since I was a very lazy leveller and had around 15 characters all under level 20, (still have no idea how to play anything but hunters and priests btw).

Yes warriors were plate wearers (once you paid for the training!) but were mail wearers until you hit level 40, being a lazy leveller and having no gold I was stuck in the mail gear, making the bloodforged set perfect for me since I also spent most of my time talking to people in the cities!

My mum was very kind and let me use her level 60 warrior when she was working to farm, and the greatest part about this gear, is that it is BOE! Yay, so you can farm it on your quickest farming toon and mail the loots to the toon you would like it on, of course you could use it as a money maker aswell, some parts of the transmog drop way less often and depending on your server, some of the gear will sell for a mint! (Particularly on RP servers)

Now for the downside, Its a BOE World drop with its most likely drop being 8% from a rare elite which we all know can have respawn timers of hours! It drops from random creatures of level 25-30, so maybe you would prefer the AH Farming option.

It cost me about 10 gold to collect the entire set on my level 40 warrior throughout Vanilla & BC but now that I am horde and on a different server I wanted to get the gear on gorgeous hunter! (Which I wish was still a draenei for transmog reasons) The chest piece alone cost 45gold!!! Sorry but id rather get the chest through farming & sell all the goodies aswell!

So thats the Transmog Tuesday!
Now on to my other ramblings!

So I was browsing my Facebook News Feed and found some exciting images posted on one of my favourite clay crafters page! Screenshots from the Beta!! And I just could not wait for Screenshot Sunday to share them with you!!!

Is this not just one of the most beautiful sceneries in the WoW world? I am a huge sucker for nature filled areas, especially ones that are quite green, example Nagrand! Ive never been a huge fan for the dark swampy areas. But this artwork is making me quite excited for the swamp areas! ALSO my favourite clay crafter is a hunter and I am excited to share this next screenshot of her taming a gorgeous pile of goo & rocks!

Does anyone know what this is? I do ^_^ and I am super excited to announce that you do not need to be a Beast Master to tame this lovely creature! He looks rather exotic and is the size of a Direhorn Mount! (I wonder if they will fix that before warlords is released, on one hand I like the idea of a big kickass beast, on the other I can see all hunters running around with these and getting in the way!)

I might just wait until Screenshot Sunday to show you what this beast really is! Any guesses?